Unique Value Proposition:
the message that differentiates, communicates, and resonates


There are two ways to reach customers:
chasing, or attracting them.

A unique value proposition helps a business get noticed, connect with an audience, and tell people what they need to know to make a decision.

Generic products without meaningful differentiation and services that rely on persuasive sales techniques (the cliché Sell me this pen) are on their way out.

Cheap manufacturing costs, decreasing barriers to entry, and AI render anything generic irrelevant (so you better have a heck of a pen).

high competition

Low margins

high churn


high acquisition cost

Low customer value

These challenges stem from a lack of meaningful differentiation, irrelevance, or complexity.

People either don’t notice, don’t understand, or don’t have a reason to choose one brand over the other.

Without differentiation, no one pays attention

The businesses that flourish answer an unmet need, offer a novel solution, or add value in a meaningful way.
They offer a Unique Value Proposition

line outsode of branded store

The reason people stand in line and pay a premium price

Your value proposition and the way you deliver the message determine what people think, do, and tell others.

Brandad will develop a UVP that captures the essence of your brand, reflects the strengths of your business, and conveys the benefit to your target customer.
Unique, relevant, and simple.

“We naturally assume that something that only does one thing is better than something that claims to do many things.”
— Rory Sutherland


Without meaningful differentiation, the value proposition and the messaging that describes it blend into the competitive background.


What are you selling?
Who are you selling it to?
Why would they stand in line and pay a premium price?


The story that sets the tone, adds context, and expands on the value proposition.


The words and delivery that communicate the value proposition throughout customer communications—on the website, in the descriptions, and on social media.

“Surprise and differentiation have far more impact than noise does.”
―Seth Godin


and how much

An iterative process to define what the company is going to be known as, and how the brand is going to be perceived. 

‘Unique’ doesn’t have a superlative

“Nothing is new except rearrangement.”
— Will Durant, (historian)



Defining goals, strengths, capabilities, target audience, and intended results.


Interviewing customers and analyzing use behavior to gain insight into their underlying needs, wants, and motivators.


Fusing unanswered customer needs or wants with a company offering or capability.


Analyzing comparable or competing offers; interviewing customers to gauge response.


Defining and refining distinct value proposition options
(optional: neuro testing for validation).


Changing, editing, and trimming.


Unique Value Proposition and project-specific assets, such as brand messaging, website content, and campaigns.





Our brains are wired to notice the novel, original, exciting, and special.


Humans (we) care when it’s for us, about us, or about people like us.
Getting inside your customers’ minds starts with getting inside their shoes and minds.


Is it understandable, easy to read and easy to use? (Does it make us work?)
Our brains are innately inclined to save energy. Clarity and simplicity improve understanding, recall, and favorability.

What customers think and do depends on what you say and do for your customers.

Give them something to talk about


Prices start at $2,000.
The duration of a project ranges from a few weeks to a couple of months. 
The exact price and timeline depend on the complexity and scope of the project.

Reach out for a free assessment and quote.


My name is Sean A. Cooper. I’m a strategist, copywriter, and communicator. My insights and methods are derived from quantitative research, qualitative interviews, and the latest neuroscience.

I create the story that sets your brand apart

Let’s talk about creating a sustainable, authentic, and unique value proposition that communicates a practical value and claims an emotional benefit. Unique, meaningful, human, and simple.

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