Instead of just pitching
Brandad’s services, this page
provides information and insights
The fundamental building blocks that define the brand determine what it is, what it does, and where it’s headed.
The reason, the mission, and the driving principles
What the brand is known as, relative to the competition
What the brand offers and the benefit it provides
A clear foundation provides context, sets the tone, and aligns expectations.
Lack of commitment to the fundamentals or inconsistency in execution leads to indifference, attrition, and churn. Conversely, an outstanding, intentional, and consistent experience leads to conversions, admiration, and dedication.
1. Interviewing the stakeholders to uncover the essence and first principles that drive the brand
2. Analyzing the competition, and interviewing customers
3. Synthesizing the essence into an authentic narrative that communicates meaning, substance, and sentiment
4. Testing and iterating
A brand is not in the store, a brand is in the mind.
―Rory Sutherland
Your brand is not what you think it is, it’s what other people say it is. You can accept what they’re saying, or shape the narrative and steer the conversation.
People’s visual, emotional and tangible perception of the brand over time shapes what they think, feel, and do.
Every word, action, and detail can be molded to shape the intended perception and drive meaningful action.
The central concept, summarized in a byte-size
Brand’s own communication, tone, language, and expression style
The first thing people say about the brand and the one thing it’s known for
The details that communicate meaning and value without saying a thing
Just like a person’s, a brand’s personality is a combination of its story and identity.
The face of the brand—the most common part people see
Shapes, colors, and details that make the brand recognizable wherever it is
The rules and principles that drive design and communication consistency
The brand is the visible island at the tip of an underwater strategic mountain
Brands grow as they gain awareness, loyalty, and advocacy.
Brandad’s growth methods combine strategic adjustments in messaging and experience, with organic content, and paid advertising tactics.
All roads lead back to the company’s website, the default customer touch-point that features all of the information the customer needs to make a decision
Organic content on brand-appropriate social channels that cultivates awareness and nurtures a relationship
Customer and corporate communications that support and propagate the main message
Brand reach and recall are a multiple of message quality and exposure quantity.
Even the optimal message could be fueled by advertising to amplify its reach.
Copy and creative that connects with the emotional and compels the rational
Content, generated by the brand, for the brand, or with the brand’s participation
The next stage in the evolution of brand advertising; experiential advertising goes beyond the traditional to leave a lasting impression
“It may be true that there’s no structure without construction.”
― F.B. Skinner
Defining growth metrics, analyzing the competition, and researching the audience
Editing and optimizing; adding content, and launching campaigns
Testing (split-testing and interviewing customers), measuring the impact, and iterating accordingly
Tracking brand equity growth over time and making strategic adjustments (as needed)
This page is officially over.